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26-Jun 2006 Monday 5:16 PM (6551 days ago)               #1
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Here I have summed some of the areas within which must Newbies makes mistakes in their first couple of weeks in Hattrick. This is not a complete guide, but aims at helping newbies through their first weeks.

Training is one of the central elements of Hattrick: For one, your players get better, secondly, training is one of the major sources of income. Choose one of the chains: Defence, midfield, attack, wings, or keepers.

Make the choice based on where you have some trainable players, i.e. 17-18-19 years old and at least passable in their primary skill (defence, playmaking, winger, scoring or goaltending), buy more talents for this chain, so that you utilize all the training positions. Only players who plays in this position gets training. E.g. you have chosen defence training, and plays a 5-4-1-formation = your 3 central defenders and your 2 wingbacks gets training and nobody else.

Between seasons it pays off to switch training from one of the main areas to stamina. Stamina training is given to all players in the trup, and not just those who play; and there is no weekend game in the between season.

Training is carried out each Friday (in Denmark, check your local league). If you switch training type, the build-up training is still in effect, even though there is no visual change in the player.

Check the rules and some of the help pages that exist around Hattrick. E.g.: Hattrix. There is a lot of good articles. I also recommend some of the other guides that are available through my homepage Here.

Pros and cons of the 5 training types

The numbers in parentheses indicate the lengt of training a 17 year old one level with a solid coach and 9 asisstants.

* It is almost a necessity to play with 5 defenders or 3 attackers, which will weaken the very important midfield
Read further on which formation to play with which training here: Formations

Five issues regarding training:
1. Training is definitely most efficient when long term objectives are pursued. Long term meaning over several seasons. Your players will not improve if you only pursue short term objectives. That is why it is important, that you define your goals and objectives for the team.

2. Your training should be optimised according to the objectives. For example: Most people play a 3-5-2 formation, because of the importance of midfield in Hattrick. Therefore, many people train playmaking, which allows them to train the maximum amount of players (6+4 half (i.e. wings)). If you want to play defensive line-ups, training of defenders is beneficial, and a 3-4-3 is a good formation for training attackers

3. Training of talents is one of the best ways of making money in Hattrick. Talents are 17 years old at best, but at least teenagers. When they get older, the effect of the training diminishes. That is why many managers have one chain of youngster (the training chain) and older and more experienced players in the rest. The talents are trained to a certain level and sold, the money used for new talents and reinforcements to the other chains.

4. If you want to optimise you team here and now (e.g. to gain promotion), I'll give you two recommendations: Train your midfielders to excellent stamina. This improves your midfield a lot in a short time. Downside is that the form of your players may (most likely) drop. Buy a better keeper. His influence on the defence ratings is very large. A passable keeper will cost you somewhere between 50.000€ to 70.000€

5. Be patient. Your 'peasants' will not become Laudrup-clones overnight or even over a couple of seasons!

This message was edited by soccer_momo on 26-Jun-2006 @ 5:17 PM



26-Jun 2006 Monday 5:18 PM (6551 days ago)            #2
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Youth Squad (YS)

Invest in your YS. Start with 5.000€ until your YS is weak, change to 10.000€ until YS is inadequate, then change to 20.000€ and keep it there for the rest of your HT-career. This is the minimum requirements; if you have enough money, invest more. Make a youth pull (YP) every week. Even with bad YS the chance of a valuable pull is always present.

Player purchasing

This is one area where many newbies makes big mistakes.
All players in hattrick have a TSI (Total Skill Index). This is the value that is registered under the player's details. This is calculated based on the skills of the player. It has nothing to do with a player's market value. Some players (especially young players) are very expensive compared with their assessed value; some players are cheaper (especially keepers under passable). Some of the assistent manager programs (e.g. HAM) uses the Transfer Price Evaluation-program (TPE). This returns a estimated market value. The TPE can also be found here: TPE

Therefore, it is important to look at the market before purchasing is started. Choose a training strategy before purchasing is started, i.e. choose a chain to train, buy youngsters for this chain, and cheaper, more experienced players for the other chains. Before you buy players, it is also important to make sure what type of players you need. If you need a wing back, e.g., do some research and find out what skills a wing back need. One example is passing: A lot of newbies (well, me when I started) buys players with high passing skill, which is completely useless; unless it is combined with a main skill

The best advice on player purchasing: Wait! At least a couple of week before buying anything at all.


Economy is half of the game of Hattrick (the other half of course being the football game), so pay attention to your economy.
Every time you expand your stadium it will cost you a starting amount of 60.000€, so do not expand a little at a time.
From next season (26) It will only cost 10.000€ in starting expenses. Whether or not it could now be beneficial to expand in smaller portion is yet to be seen.
Expand when you have sold out 3 or 4 times. Multiply the number of people in your fan club with 25 or 35 (depending on your financial situation) and you will get the capacity you should expand to. The division of the different seat types can be found by using this tool:Arenasizer. For the more experienced, there are more accurate numbers here: Arena numbers

Do not hire or fire specialist before you know exactly what they do. For starters begin with assistant coaches (8 coaches and 2 goalkeeper coaches, less if you do not have the money) and some spokespersons, they are beneficial in the long run.
Make sure you only have 10 of each type.
Be careful not to go into minus. It is hard for newly started teams to reach plus accounts again, and it limits your freedom.


Read the rules and learn them. Read some help-pages: Hattrix and Hottrick are good English pages. Hottrick has among other things a more detailed beginners guide. Use the different conferences. Ask your questions.
Hire an assistent, i.e. one of the help programs, that helps you keep track of your players. E.g. HAM, HT-Poli, HT-buddy, HT-Ratings. Links to these is found under the menu point ’Community’ --> 'Programs'.

Most important of all: Have fun! A large part of the charm of Hattrick is the social enactment between the managers. So use your divisional conference. Become supporter, so you can join some federation that fit your interests (e.g. many RL-football clubs have a federation in HT), you get the oppurtunit to have a logo in your clubhouse, write press announcements to create a story surrounding your club.

Don't feel bad for making rookie mistakes, we have all made some. When you can no longer consider yourself as a newbie, mistakes are not easily forgiven by yourself.

I hope that I by this guide have guided some newbies away from the most common newbie mistakes. Purposely I have not mentioned an aspect as what formation/tactic to play, due to it's complexity for one, but also because in this area I feel it is important to be learning-by-doing.
Here: Formations, is a copy/pasted article regarding the different formations which might help you in the beginning.


26-Jun 2006 Monday 5:24 PM (6551 days ago)            #3
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thanks momo Smile

26-Jun 2006 Monday 5:24 PM (6551 days ago)            #4
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The Clown

A segment of the rules §19:

"Leadership and agreeability are only applied to the player with the highest leadership factor, "the team leader". If this person is agreeable, the team atmosphere will be as well, and if he´s nasty you might end up with a really nasty atmosphere in your squad"

Your team leader is notyour captain. You do not have more clowns and/or team leaders. The team leader does not have to play matches, so you don’t have one for each ’team’ (1st and 2nd). He doesn’t have to sit on the bench. IMO you cannot describe a pleasant/solid as a semi-clown or semi-semi for that matter. He can be the team leader, that’s it.

Key concepts:

1) Team leader: The player with the highest leadership in your squad. If there a more players with the same in leadership, e.g. ‘solid’, you cannot know which one is your team leader. (Maybe you can asses which one is your team leader by following your Team spirit.)

2) Clown: A team leader who is ’popular’. As a general rule he has solid leadership, but passable is enough if he is the only one in the squad who is passable. A clown helps a little on the team spirit. (If the team leader on the other hand is nasty, he is called an anti-clown (think Stephen King’s “It”), and he has a negative effect on the TS.)

3) Captain: The player you choose to be captain in the matches. Helps reducing the risk of confusion when the team does not have sufficient experience with a chosen formation. The important skills of a captain is leadership and experience. (As a rule of thump use this formulae: 2*leadership + 3* experience. Note that the captain can function as a clown (i.e. if he is the player with highest leadership.)

As it according to the rulebook is clever to have a team leader with good agreeability, some useless players with solid leadership and popular agreeability a sold a very decent prices (around 80.000 € at certain German and Polish Clown pushers.) These are called clowns – because they just fool around and keep the team spirit high.

A clown, in my HT-world, is a team leader (not necessarily with solid leadership, but team leader) with popular agreeability, who does not have to play in matches.

Semi-clown (solid leadership/sympathetic agreeability) is an expression invented to get rid of crappy players. I don’t believe a semi-clown has any effect, but I’m pretty sure that a clown has (all though many experienced players doubt this) My opinions:
• A clown (i.e. =a ’popular’ team leader) has a perceptible effect on the TS.
• An Anti-clown (= a ’nasty’ team leader) has a perceptible negative effect on the TS.
• If the team leader is controversial, pleasant or sympathetic, there is no perceptible effect. Maybe on days difference between sympathetic and controversial, but I doubt that.
• I.e.: IMHO the only effect of a semi clown is to rule out the negative effect of an anti-clown.

An example: You PIC your game on sunday and you TS rises two levels: With a clown your TS will fall one level after 4 days (i.e. after the cup game!), with a teamleader with controversial, pleasant or sympathetic agreeability TS will fall after 3 days (before cupgame); but the second fall will occur after the next league game; with the clown from 'IT' (nasty) your TS will fall after 2 days and again after 6 days.
This is just an example, TS also depends on the coach's leadership, and TS is also a question of decimals, i.e. sometimes after a PIC-game you will end up in the high end of e.g. delirious other times you will end in the low end.

A note: Your coach's leadership have more influence on the speed with which the TS changes.


26-Jun 2006 Monday 5:27 PM (6551 days ago)            #5
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Disclaimer: I've had reports of players being injured for longer or shorter than the given min and max values given below.

limped off the field and was replaced
Average injury length for this statement is 1.22 weeks. However, this only accounts for 7.26% of the injuries. No injuries over 2 weeks yet.

had to leave the pitch due to a knee injury]
Average injury length for this statement is 1.46 weeks. By far the most common injury, with 28.23% of the 124 surveyed. Only 3 injuries were over 2 weeks in duration, with the max injury being only 3 weeks. Vast majority of injuries were listed as 1, but the players were already bruised and playing/training.

left the field because of a nasty blow to the shin
Average injury length for this statemtent is 1.71 weeks. 11.29% of the injuries used this statement. Majority of injuries were only 2 weeks, with just one lasting 3 weeks.

These first 3 statements accounted for almost half of all the injuries found.

couldn´t continue playing due to the rough treatment
Things start picking up as this statement averages 2.05 weeks. 16.13% of the injuries used this statement. 3 of the injuries were as high as 4 weeks, but several were 1 week in duration. Kind of a mixed pot.

had to be helped off the pitch, unable to finish the game
9.68% of the injuries used this statement, and last an average of 2.5 weeks. Several 1 weekers are in here, but so are 4-5-6 weekers. This is the first statement yet that involves injuries over 4 weeks.

the unlucky victim, couldn´t continue the game
Seems we're kicking it into high gear now, as this statement averages 3.27 weeks. A couple of one weekers in here, but more and more the injuries are 4 weeks or higher. 6 weeks is the highest.

had to be carried off on a stretcher in agony
This is the one I assumed would be the worst, but I was wrong. This statement is very rare, though, with only 4.03% of the 124 injuries using it. Average injury is 3.40 weeks. However, if this hits you, don't expect a walk in the park. None of the injuries have been less then 3 weeks in duration. None have been more then 4 weeks, either.

will have to do without…..for a time due to a bad foot injury
We're really getting to the statements that will make hopes for the season drop in your gut like a lead weight. While only 6.45% of the injuries, they average 3.88 weeks in duration. The range is 3-6 weeks.

being carried off the pitch and replaced
And here's the worst statement. 4.40 weeks injured on average, with the only 7 weeker in the survey. Again, no injury less then 3 weeks with half being 5 weeks or more. Fortunately this one is rare as well, with only 8.06% of the injuries coming in at this level.

This message was edited by soccer_momo on 26-Jun-2006 @ 5:29 PM


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